Build consensus and perform their duties

Build consensus and perform their duties

-- Nie Quan, chairman and general manager of the company, attended the 17th Standing Committee meeting of the first session of the District CPPCC

On March 26, 2020, Nie Quan, chairman and general manager of our company, attended the 17th Standing Committee meeting of the first session of the CPPCC in Longhua District. At the meeting, he focused on seizing the major historical opportunities of "two-district drive", centered on the overall situation of accelerating the construction of a modern, internationalized and innovative central axis new city in our district, closely connected with the masses of the sectors, constantly enhanced the performance ability of "understanding the CPPCC, consultation, and good discussion of politics", and carried out a report on the work of CPPCC members in 2019 to the participants.




1. We actively participated in CPPCC activities and improved our ability to perform our duties

He has always translated the Party's propositions into the consensus of all sectors of society, expanded and consolidated the consensus among the masses, and integrated it into the CPPCC's performance activities.

Participated in CPPCC activities in 2019 (sorted by time, only partially listed)

On January 3, with a number of CPPCC members, he went to the District Procuratorate to participate in the "Inspection Open Day" activity; From January 23 to 25, he participated in the third session of the first session of the District CPPCC.

From September 17 to 22, participated in the "Anhui Hefei special Training" on the ability of CPPCC members to perform their duties; On September 19, he attended a special lecture on "Opinions on supporting Shenzhen to build a pilot demonstration zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics".

From December 23 to 28, participated in the special seminar of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC (Harbin Institute of Technology).


Second, carefully write proposals and suggestions to improve the level of suggestions

He put "build true words, devise good ideas, and make real moves" as the concept of performing his duties, adhering to the pragmatic attitude of "the masses ask questions and members do questions". Combined with the actual situation of Longhua District, how to optimize the industrial upgrading and development of our district, improve the business environment and other research topics.

In his spare time, he went deep into the front line of enterprises and carried out investigations and research among the community. In In 2019, he completed several proposals such as "Vigilance against" Industrial hollowing out "and" Innovation "to drive the Sustainable development of Longhua's Economy", "On How to further improve the business environment of Longhua District" and "Suggestions on promoting the development of" Longhua Brand ".

At the National Day Association of representatives from all walks of life in Longhua District in 2019, the relevant rationalization proposals he proposed to establish intelligent talent training and introduction incentive system, further optimize the land structure of our district to prevent the hollowing out of high-tech industries, etc., were fully affirmed by relevant people in the industry, and received replies from relevant government departments.

3. Make all-out efforts to prevent and control the epidemic and help enterprises resume production and work

If the work is not resumed in time, it will seriously affect the delivery of domestic and foreign orders and affect the economic benefits of enterprises.

Adhere to the resumption of work, if the prevention and control is not in place, in the event of an epidemic, enterprises will bear a huge variety of pressures and risks.

As an enterprise legal person, he has always been tight on epidemic prevention and control, purchased more than 60,000 disposable masks, provided them to employees free of charge, and strictly eliminated the office, dining, accommodation and other environments in the factory to ensure the health of employees. To further demonstrate the responsibility of private enterprises, he stressed the stability of employment during the epidemic, and did not lay off employees, but also provided a large number of jobs.

4. Be enthusiastic about social welfare undertakings and strengthen its leading and exemplary role

As a joint-stock listed private enterprise, Liande Equipment consciously fulfills its social responsibilities and is enthusiastic about public welfare and charity.

In 2019, he personally repr

esented the company to Hengyang County General Chamber of Commerce, Jinlan Town Nursing Home and Fengshan County Finance Bureau, etc., free donations totalling more than 600,000 yuan. At the same time, he is also looking for the right time and way to organize the company's employees to carry out a donation campaign against the epidemic.


The year 2020 is the end of the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the 13th Five-Year Plan. We look forward to a new era, face new opportunities, and stand at a new starting point. He said that he will strive to improve in the following three aspects:

1. Strengthen the initiative and systematism of the work and study of the CPPCC.

2. Improve research coverage and depth and accuracy of research questions.

3. Strengthen the tracking of front-line research and problems reflected by the masses.